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Giant Lop Rabbit

The HopAlong Farmette

All About The Giant French Lop

The French Lop rabbit breed, which ranks in the top 5 largest breeds of rabbits in terms of weight and bulk, is the gentle giant breed of the lop breeds.

They truly are a unique breed. They make excellent pet rabbits due to their huge heads and novelty of their large body size. They are the polar opposite of a Holland Lop, English Lop, or Mini Lop!

Small children can not move them on their own, but they can tolerate a lot. (However, that is no justification for allowing a youngster to treat them roughly.)

I enjoy going to local rabbit shows and conferences to observe love French Lops and look at the various other breeds too. They are similar to the Flemish Giant Rabbit. I enjoy observing the behaviors of all the different breeds of various rabbit breeds to determine whether there might be a different one I might attempt. But I always seem to return to the French Lops. Since I have been raising them exclusively since 2009, it is safe to say they have hooked me.

French Lop Breed History/Origin

The French Lop was developed in France in the 1850s and was primarily used as a meat animal. It is thought to have been created by crossing an English Lop and a French Butterfly rabbit.

Popularity of this giant rabbit breed increased in nearby European nations including the Netherlands, Belgium, and even Germany. Although it was claimed that about 10 French Lops were smuggled from the Netherlands in 1933 and shown in the UK, it was not until the 1960s that they gained popularity there. Around 1970–1971, these adorable rabbits finally arrived in the United States from abroad.

Due to their calm, gentle demeanor relaxed temperament, the French Lop is a large breed of rabbit that makes for great pets and a superb pet.

Despite being a meat rabbit, this enormous breed has fallen out of favor, particularly in the United States, because they take a long time to finish their meals and do not have a lot of bone mass.

How Big Is A French Lop Rabbit

Let's thus begin with the obvious: the size! They are one of the largest breeds with a very very large head and body mass, second only to the Flemish Giant Rabbit.

In the same way that dog owners tend to slightly overstate their canine's weight, rabbit owners do the same.

French Lops are best when they are larger. BUT don't confuse size with a healthy body composition.

The French Lop can grow up to 3 feet long from toe to muzzle on average.

French Lop Rabbit ARBA Standard Weight

According to the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) breed standard, French Lops must weigh at least 11.5 lbs for females and 11 lbs for males, with no upper limit. This explains why these men come in a variety of weights.

Having said that, you may expect the breed to weigh 12 to 13 pounds on average, with peaks of 15 pounds. If someone claims that their rabbit weighs more than that, I would be dubious and would only believe them if you personally weighed them.

This buck was just gorgeous. He weighed roughly 13.5 pounds. Although he appears larger than that, their form and bulky appearance give the impression that they are larger.

When growing rabbits, it is very important to know their weight, especially if you are raising a show rabbit or want to ensure that your bunnies are of high quality. Weight is difficult to "eyeball" with rabbits.

Knowing the weights will also enable you to determine whether you are being taken advantage of. It's either a pretty large mini lop that French Lop makes or a mix if someone claims to have a first French Lops or mini French Lop, yet it only weights 8 or 9 pounds.

The baby scale, in my opinion, is the finest option if you're searching for a scale that will function well for all bunny sizes.

French Lop Features

The huge lop ears on this breed, which is becoming more and more well-known, should extend 1.5 inches past the front lop ears and jaw. They feature plump cheeks, a huge, bold head, and a very very thick body and torso. In contrast to does, bucks will have floppy ears and a fairly wide forehead.

Why A French Lop Rabbit Might Not Be Right For You

When it comes to learning how to handle a huge rabbit breed, French Lops are generally understanding and usually don't act out if they don't like what you are doing.

They need to feel safe in your arms since they are a very large rabbit. You must therefore have a firm grasp and sufficient size to hold and handle them. They have powerful rear and front legs too, which they may start to use to try to get you to put them down if they become frightened. For human interaction, French Lops prefer to sit with you and be handled rather than carried. In actuality, this is how most rabbits do best.

They are terrific pets for both young and older kids. When around the animal, kids under the age of 5 or 6 should still be closely watched. You can wind up with some negative conduct in the future if the youngster is not kind to them or intimidates them for an extended period of time.

Additionally, the breed as a general like to sit on their hind legs on the ground and get pet attention. They dislike it when you hold them while standing.

So maybe you should seek for something smaller if you are overwhelmed by the size.

Issues French Lop Rabbits Have

Weepy Eye

With this breed, I have few complaints besides the fact that they do struggle with weepy eyes. While a small amount of discharge is typical for the breed, it can become quite severe.

You may need to keep your eyelashes trimmed because they can rub against your eyes, and occasionally, eyelids (most commonly in bucks) may roll inward toward the eye. If at all possible, avoid breeding this into a herd.

Unfortunately, this usually does not manifest until the child is between 10 and 12 months old. Some breeders will keep a rabbit with excellent body type but terrible eye problems. making it challenging for those who want to stop doing that

Sensitive Digestive Tract

When it comes to eating, French Lops are VERY finicky. I don't give my rabbits hay to eat. With the hay becoming moist and moldy, it is too dangerous. Giving special attention to your rabbit's diet is very important! Even if you can't see it, it's still there. To learn more about that, click here.

Bunny Crack – French Lops and their bad habit with treats

This applies to all rabbit breeds, but French Lops are THE WORST when it comes to treats.

Give them treats infrequently enough that they can anticipate when and/or how often you'll give them one, or they'll go on strike because all they want to eat is treats.

Give them only healthy treats, and keep them few and far between. Not those ridiculous yogurt dips or eccentric items that are obviously made for the consumer rather than the rabbit.

French Lop Rabbit Personality

French Lops are VERY laid back, and I believe that due to their size, they are rarely stressed out. In my entire career raising French Lops, I have only been bitten MAYBE 3 times. And in those instances, I knew what was coming.

Once they reach maturity, which can happen at 12 or even 14 months old depending on the lines they are descended from, they are a calm breed very lazy breed.

They are incredibly lovable creatures, and even does (female rabbits) should be well-mannered. If they constantly exhibit aggression, they shouldn't be bred. I only err on the side of caution if a doe needs to be bred. However many other breeds do, that is typical for all breeds other rabbits. OR if we are traveling to a place they are unfamiliar with. Even when they are frustrated, they should never bite, regardless of how fussy they act.

Despite being fairly social animals, they will still need their quiet time alone. Too much will be too much for them. Therefore, if they seem anxious, calm down and give them some room.

If your rabbit exhibits a sudden change in behavior, such as keeping their head in the corner of the cage. Or perhaps the rabbit is avoiding you when it normally wouldn't. To ensure that there are no issues, you should inspect them. They most likely don't feel well.

Coat Type

The rollback coat of this rabbit is a soft coat, short, and dense.

They do shed more during certain seasons, but because of how short their coat is, it cannot be spun into wool. One brushing with a bristled brush per week during the off-season shedding period should be adequate.

When summer is most intense and when it is warmest. French Lop rabbits will require more frequent brushing. When the temperature rises significantly or when the sun is at its strongest at the end of summer, they will molt. If necessary, you'll have to increase their brushings to twice or three times per week.

I've discovered that "plucking" helps remove the bigger chunks of hair that are falling out and stuck in the undercoat in French Lop rabbits that are molting. It won't hurt as much as forcing a comb out of their coat.

Basically, you grab onto the fluffy fur that appears to be standing taller than the rabbit's normal fur length and pull it out like cotton candy. It will come off very easily.

French Lop Rabbit Colors

The colors of the French Lop are extremely varied.

There are a number of recognized colors for the French Lop that are divided into groups by the American Rabbit Breeders Association. If you browse the internet, you might come across some additional colors, but that does not imply that they are part of the breed standard.

French Lop Broken Pattern

A rabbit is said to have a broken pattern if it has white on it (as in the illustration below) and coloring on its back. (With the exception of Ruby Eyed Whites) ALL of the colors could appear in a jumbled pattern. The name of the color remains unchanged as a result of this.

Black Chinchilla French Lop Rabbits

The color of chinchillas has a salt-and-pepper appearance. The underbelly of the solid rabbits will be light and much less colored.

Opal French Lop Rabbit

This doe is molting, so the light you see across her middle, where her hair appears different, is simply the result of her changing coat. Opal's predominant color appears to be blue-gray. Around their eyes and on their crown, opals have a very slight tan. They will also have light underbellies and light feet.

Solid Chestnut French Lop

Wild rabbit markings on a chestnut rabbit are identical. They will be colored on top and be light underneath.

Black French Lop

The only color that should ever appear on a black rabbit is black. A French Lop is a steel if it even slightly displays color over its shoulders, which is frequently light brown. indicating that its fur tips at the ends.

Blue French Lop

A blue French Lop rabbit is frequently confused with a gray one. No other color should be present on it. It should also have solid blue feet and underside.

Black Tortoise

This coloring is extremely deep and rich. The nose, ears, and underside of the rabbit are shaded in black, and it appears to be a deep red color.

Blue Frosted Pearl

With the exception of some light shading around the nose, ears, feet, and rump, this color mostly resembles that.

Cream French Lop

This shade almost has a blueish blond appearance. around the ears, nose, and underside, with blue shading.

Orange French Lop

This shade is frequently mistaken for fawn. Unlike fawns, orange rabbits are VERY BRIGHT and have a deeper red hue.

Feeding A French Lop

Pet stores' rabbit food is not a healthy diet.

All your rabbit needs on a daily basis is a commercial brand of rabbit pellets, if you are feeding them. They are made to be a complete rabbit meal. Although it may seem like a good idea to include all of these fresh vegetables and leafy greens, that is not a complete diet that includes everything they need.

Additionally, you run the risk of not consistently feeding the rabbit, which could lead to digestion problems, the primary cause of loss.

An adult French Lop rabbit should consume the average rabbit roughly 4.5 pounds of pellets per week.

Here are some of the feed brands I would suggest.

French Lop Equipment And Supplies

French Lop Cages

Because French Lops are not the most popular rabbit breed kept as a family pet, it is difficult to find any indoor rabbit cages that are the ideal size for a French Lop or an English Lop.

However, the height is crucial because they do sit up on their hind legs like a dog does because you can squeeze them into the 30 by 30 inch floor space. Thus, they are quite tall.

French Lop Waterers

French Lops require an abundance of fresh water. These bunnies urinate more frequently than my miniature dachshunds!

I absolutely adore these water bowls and regret not using them sooner. In the summer, they are ideal for providing enough water for large breeds great pets, and in the winter, they are flexible enough to allow ice to be removed without damaging the bowl.

French Lop Feed Holders

20-ounce plastic pet bowl with a slide-lock latch from Ware Manufacturing is available on Amazon. - See On Amazon Pet Lodge Steel Small Animal Feeder with Lid Small Animal Feed Box

These are standard rabbit feeders, but they are made to be inserted through a hole in the cage wall from the outside. I took the hooks and bent them backward because I didn't want to do that to my cages, and it still works. I can fasten that feed through to the cage's interior. It will make your rabbit's diet much easier. Read this post to learn about the rest of my favorite grooming and care products.

Nest Box Size For French Lop Rabbits Raising Babies

This is where a doe will put her young. Not the domestic rabbits, who live in cages. They'll use it as a litter box, which will have serious negative health effects on domestic rabbits. They will quickly become ill as a result of having their rear end covered in waste.

Because I make mine much larger than you might imagine, I have to make my own nest boxes. Six to eight kits make up a typical used litter box.

They may seem excessive to some, but they have significantly reduced the number of infant deaths caused by mothers stepping over the kits.

I prefer to make them indoor cages large enough so that two mothers can sit side by side in the box. The size of the cages you have is something else you need to think about. Another issue is if the nesting box is so large that the mother is unable to turn around.

My boxes are between 12 and 15 inches tall, 18 inches wide, and about 22 inches long. They are so tall because adding straw reduces their height by about 5 inches. The infants should remain in the box until they are two weeks old at the very least.

Ideal Measurement For A French Lop Nest Box

The ideal measurement for a French Lop nest box Is 22x18x12.

On the height, DON'T SCRIMP. Once the straw is in the box, it removes a few inches, allowing the babies to exit the box too soon. causing them to become stuck somewhere, suffer injuries, or even pass away.

If necessary, you can rearrange the side inches to make the box fit inside the cage. Additionally, the box does not need to be cut into a V or U shape for French Lops. You run into the problem of the kits being released too soon, and momma hardly ever uses it anyway, so the effort to add the cutout is not worth the risk vs. reward.

Shopping List For French Lops

Here are two other posts that might help you out.

French Lop Rabbit FAQs

Are French Lop rabbits good pets?

Yes, but just like any other animal, French Lops must be trained and taught proper behavior. You don't get a sweet pet that wants your attention by letting them run free and do whatever they want.

How long do French Lop rabbits live for?

On average, French Lop rabbits live for 5-7 years.

How much do French Lop rabbits cost?

Depending on where you buy them, a French Lop can cost between $75 and $175 USD. If you are spending $100 or more on them, they ought to be high quality and have a track record.

Are French lops cuddly?

French Lop rabbits have a soft side. For a friendlier rabbit, a buck would be a better option.

DO NOT approach a rabbit and thrust your face into his. That will definitely bite you. They are the type of animal that runs the race slowly and steadily.

Personally, I believe the rabbit breed to be French Lops. They are laid-back and don't mind being around young kids. Even if it is your first time with a rabbit, if you want a larger size rabbit and are willing to learn the proper care and handling, they are a great breed.

Additional Info About Lop Eared Bunnies

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