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Frequently Asked Questions

Helpful information, advice and things to know about your new bunny!

Below, we will go through many questions we have been asked by new bunny owners about what they need to know regarding their new Bun and when their new Bun grows up! This page will always be updated as new questions and concerns always pop up. Somethings may seem so simple but to many, never even thought of so we hope this helps!

Holland Lops FAQ

All the information you wanted to know about Holland Lop bunnies and more

How old will my bunny be when we can finally take him or her home?

Your new Hollland Lop bunny will be 8 weeks old and no younger when you can take your new bun home!  This is the earliest age at which your bun will be weaned off mom and eating pellets & hay and drinking on their own.

Will my new bun drink water on their own, or do we need to supplement milk?

Your new Holland Lop bunny at 8 weeks old is completely weaned from mom and no longer needs her milk!  Water, along with food pellets and hay, and lots of love  are all it needs from that point!

What kind of food should we get our new bunny?

 When your new Holland Lop bunny goes home with you, we recommend you have a food pellet of your liking and Timothy hay already at your home!

Quality feed with low protein of 15-16% and a high fiber food pellet are best for Holland Lops!  Always have Timothy hay available for them to nibble on throughout thew day. 

How do we feed our new bunny?

We recommend a food bowl, water bottle and hay holder for their new home!  Never put food on the floor.

When your new Holland Lop bunny goes home with you, we will provide their food we feed them in a container along with some Timothy hay.  These food pellets should last you a week.  You will need to transition them from our feed to your new feed pellets gradually!

Sudden changes in feed or treats can cause stomach issues with Buns such as GI Stasis which we will talk about below later. Food should be slowly transitioned. Start with mostly our food day one, and each day gradually decrease our food and increase your new food.


We recommend a Poland Spring bottle cap as a common measurement for "transitioning" new food!  So day one, we suggest starting with 1/3 cup worth of our food each day.  Day 2, reduce our food by a bottle cap and add your new food by a bottle cap.  Day 3, reduce our food by two bottle caps and increase yours by two bottle caps.  Continue this regimen until our food is gone.  This will help your new bun adjust slowly!

Bedding or Wire Bottom Cage/Hutch?

We always recommend an indoor flat bottom hutch for your new Holland Lop bunny, however if you decide that you want to keep your bunny outdoors a wire bottom cage is completely acceptable.

If keeping outdoors, please take into consideration weather, sun and wind, predators, neighbors and cleanliness. When indoors with a bedding floor isn't an option (our first choice!), make sure your new buns hutch is sheltered from direct sun and waterproof roof.

It's imperative your bunny is dry and has a nice comfy safe hide-out to escape to from everyday life on a wire cage. Make sure to keep a suitable lock to prevent predators from accessing the hutch!

We also recommend in winter and summer to take extra precautions to make it weather tight for cold temps or weather safe from heat and sun such as a cool shady spot outdoors!  Before bringing your bun home keep an eye on the location you choose and make sure the sun doesn't shine on it the entire day!  Even with a roof, underneath can heat up to extreme temps. 

Free-Roaming your new Bun and How/When?

Your new Holland Lop bunny will quickly learn to litter train once in his new forever home.  They will always pick a corner in their hutch to potty, when they pick this spot take their poop and urinated bedding and place it in their litter pan to help them grasp their designated area.

However, we do not recommend allowing him or her to roam freely the minute they come home.  Baby buns will poop a lot so its best to do small short intervals outside their cage.  By doing this and putting them back in their cage after ten-fifteen minutes will teach them to potty in their litter pan.

Within a week or so they will grasp that their litter pan is where they should dirty and quickly pick that up. However, after several weeks/months they will eventually learn to go back into their hutch and potty in their litter pans when they are roaming outside their hutch! If you see they are urinating outside their litter pan, we suggest scooping that wet litter and placing it in their litter box.

Free roaming and litter training are different, but closely related.  It will take some time for them to understand free roam, but once they got it, enjoy it!

American Fuzzy Lop vs Holland Lop?

The American Fuzzy Lop is a rabbit breed recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA). It is similar in appearance to a Holland Lop. However, the American Fuzzy Lop is a wool breed and will have wool similar to the Angora breeds although the wool will be shorter than that of a commercial Angora

How big do French Lops get?

The French Lop is a very large rabbit, typically weighing around 10-15 pounds. They do not have a maximum weight in the show standard. Their ears are typically between 5 and 8 inches long and hang down below the jaw. They have a stout, thickset body and a large head.

Lop Rabbit for sale

For the absolute best and cutest Holland Lop bunnies for sale, then contact us here at The Hop Along Farmette!


Purebred Holland Lop Bunnies Raised With Love And Affection

Raising Holland Lop Bunnies For Over 30 Years

We will help you find the perfect Holland Lop bunny for your family!


© 2022 by The Hop Along Farmette.  All Rights Reserved.

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