Vm Frosty with cream ticking - Boy
Born on November 30th - Ready to go to a forever home January 24th
Vm frosty - Blue Eyes
$350 - Available
Frosty - Boy
Born on November 30th - Ready to go to a forever home January 24th
True frosty color - Grey Eyes
$350 - Reserved by Raizy F!
Light Frosty - Boy
Born on November 30th - Ready to go to a forever home January 24th
Very light grey/white frosty with nice light grey ears - Grey Eyes
$350 - Reserved by Cristina N!
More Great Info About Holland Lop Bunnies
The Hop Along Farmette
Breeding Holland Lop Bunnies for sale in New Jersey for over 30 years
We have been raising Holland Lop bunnies for sale 3 generations in Northern New Jersey. We offer only the best pedigreed bunnies for sale that will be sure to provide years of love and affection in its new home.
We are the #1 recommended breeder for Holland Lops for sale New Jersey, and we always get referrals from previous customers.
We know that there is a lot of information out there when searching for a Holland Lop for sale, so we try to provide lots of help and guidance in our Blog on choosing and caring for new Holland Lop bunnies.
When families are searching for Holland Lop bunnies for sale New Jersey, they turn to The Hop Along Farmette for advice, guidance, and experience in helping them choose the perfect furry companion to bring home.